Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dawn Hand Renewal with Olay

This advertisement is of the Dawn Hand Renewal Dish Soap with Olay Beauty.  This product locks in natural moisture to your hands when washing the dishes.  In the first few seconds of the commercial, a purple sponge is speaking with an accent and keeps me smiling.  This commercial is also hilarious as I laughed when I figured out that the sponge is the narrator.
My initial response to the commercial was “I wonder if it actually works, and will it keep my hands moisturized?”  I really like their slogan; ”Dawn does more so it is not a chore.”  It really fits as their products focuses on as you can say, “more than one use” for it.  To me, this advertisement is selling the product by:  if a person uses it, he or she will not have to use lotion or moisturizer.  The product already contains it.  A person’s hands will be model ready, meaning your hands look delicate after using it.
This advertisement is persuasive as it because this commercial makes me feel the need to have this product.  It also helps eliminate the need to lotion your hands.  As a society, we are always on the go.  We are going everywhere from work, to school, appointments, etc.  Our time is so limited that we feel that this product will help in eliminate moisturizing our hands after washing the dishes and have more time management for other things in our daily lives.  This Dawn product serves in our culture by keeping our bodies beautiful and having soft hands. 


  1. This is an interesting commercial. I remember seeing it on tv. As i watched it, I asked myself whether the purpose of this product is to eliminalte the use of dishwashers. Im pretty sure there is a lot of people in America who dont wash dishes in the sink but rather in the dishwasher. So my question is, Is this ad trying to sell this product for those who wash dishes with their hands or they are also trying to convince those who use dishwashers to start washing dishes in the sink with this product to keep their hands moisturized?

  2. This is a funny commercial. I know what it's like to constantly have to wash your hands or dishes or anything like that, it really does dry out your hands. As a woman, I want soft hands, it bothers me if they're dry because I don't think it looks good, and also because it's very itchy and irritating. The fact that Dawn's soap is two in one is very appealing to a dishwasher. Also the fact that there are two trusted companies working side by side on one product for the consumer.

  3. I enjoyed this commercial. It was funny and short, and the little purple sponge makes for an entertaining narrator with his faux French accent. I agree with you that people are constantly on the move to go to appointments, class, etc. and that this product is drawing people to it with its ability to do two things. Washing dishes does dry out a person's hands and this product's claim to moisturize them is very appealing. However, I've used this dish soap before and I didn't really see any difference between my hands after using this soap as opposed to one that didn't have moisturizer in it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This was an excellent idea of Dawn to make non-abrasive dish soap. It is annoying and not always easy to clean the dishes with latex gloves. Dawn provides a convenient solution to protecting our hands. The sponge focuses with the camera on capturing how beautiful the model’s hands are, which is appealing and persuasive. They also make it almost like the model is receiving “nutrients” from washing the dishes with the soap. Convincing ad but the price for this convenience makes me continue to wear gloves and use Ajax.

  6. I agree- the commercial is very funny! I was lured by both the names as well... I don't use any other detergent for my dishes (LOVE DAWN!!) and my grandmother loved her Oil of Olay creams. As a person who suffers from eczema, I decided to give this "lotion soap" a try. Sadly, it doesn't work! Dawn still keeps grease out of your way... even on your hands.

  7. I like your choice for an advertisement. I've seen this at the store and I've seen ads for it. I have also often wondered if this works, because doing dishes can make your hands dry sometimes and it makes the use of lotion a lot more necessary. But this has olay in it which is a well known lotion and soap etc. Which is known as a good moisturizer. And dawn is known for its good grease cutting soap. So the two together is a great combination, and a well known brand. I have never personally tried it so I can't say if it works. Do you know if its a good product? or is it not as good as you would think

  8. Insia

    I personally don’t use a particular lotion throughout the day, but I do have a daily chore of having to wash the dishes. The fact that the sponge was focusing on the hands of the models, made me stare at my own hands. It is just one more thing added to the standards of the society on top of women having a perfect figure. After I watched this commercial, I felt that I should have moisturized hands just as the model has. Definitely a persuasive ad with a touch of humor.

  9. Maybe I'm spending too much time with my feminist friends but I did notice something that I believe went unnoticed. Olay is a product that most commonly advertises to women. Dawn is a dish soap that advertises to those who wash dishes. This advertisement plays right into the beauty platform of women. It almost insinuates that women are the only ones doing dishes and therefore they can benefit from the product. I think it would be interesting to see if they had a secondary ad for the product with a man also involved in the process.

  10. I agree with the point Justin made. It's almost as if this advertisement is being directed solely towards women, implying that our society considers women to be responsible for washing dishes and thus functioning as domesticated housewives. I think this stereo-typical ideal is concealed by the distraction of the comical sponge, serving as a high-fashion photographer as well as the modern, white-washed environment in which the scene takes place. I would also like to delve a little deeper into the implications of this commercial. The actress within this commercial is thin, young, and attractive. Most people who actually wash their own dishes are more than likely going to be much different than the woman presented. Yet, popular culture seems to constantly be forcing this "perfect aesthetic" through every facet it possibly can. Say, for instance, a middle-aged, single mother views this commercial. She is implicitly being told that she should look like the woman in the commercial, and in order to achieve this "perfect aesthetic," she must purchase and use the product being advertised.

  11. I disagree with the point that you made that this is good for Americans since we are always on the go, it that were the case then this would be soap designed for a dishwasher. I do agree that the ad is very funny which creates a relaxed a fun experience watching the video. I think this ad is center towards women because of the lady in the video and also the pink color.

  12. I disagree with the point that you made that this is good for Americans since we are always on the go, it that were the case then this would be soap designed for a dishwasher. I do agree that the ad is very funny which creates a relaxed a fun experience watching the video. I think this ad is center towards women because of the lady in the video and also the pink color.
